Friday, June 19, 2009

layoffs hurt families, some advice for all of us

Praise God that I've survived several layoffs at my workplace. I'm not immune. But, my cubicle is now adjacent to others where good friends (co-workers) used to sit every day. Other friends from church or whereever have also lost their jobs.

The KC job market is slightly more resilient than other places in the country. So, some of those folks have gotten other jobs already. However, it is a struggle for most.

In the end, it seems that most all of my friends will be fine. However, their families are hurting. Also, the families of those who have not been laid off are hurting as well.

While not equating the difficulties associated with losing your job with the difficulties associated with remaining behind, I am saying their is a cost for all of us.

Our families struggle with the additional time that we're putting in at work now. They have emotional distress due to the fact that, potentially, it could happen to us as well. While that was always true, now it is in the forefront of our minds. They also struggle with a greatly increased difficulty in making day-to-day decisions about spending or summer camp tuition or...

What we have to remember: God reigns supreme. In times of plenty, God reigns supreme. In times of want, God reigns supreme. Trust Him.

Ecclesiastes 7:14 (New Living Translation)

14 Enjoy prosperity while you can, but when hard times strike, realize that both come from God. Remember that nothing is certain in this life.

It's not that God wants you to have hard times. No. God wants you--irrespective of whether times are hard or not. In prosperity, choose God. In hard times, choose God. Regardless, choose God.

Friday, June 12, 2009

back blogging again

I'd like to be the first to welcome me back. OK, so I'm going to resume blogging now. I'd like to ask both of you to forgive me--I kind of got too busy at work the last few months to blog frequently. Still busy, but I'll try to fit in blogging.

The College World Series starts tomorrow in Omaha, NE. The first game is at 1:00 CDT and features the University of Arkansas Razorbacks and the Cal St-Fullerton Titans.

Go HOGS! Bring home a championship.

I noticed the other day that the Kansas City Royals have drafted the Arkansas 2nd baseman and shortstop. Just a dream here, but if they can develop those guys together, who knows, sosmeday you may see an all Hog double play in The K.

Interesting note: The current major leaguer that is probably the best Hog in the bigs is Cleveland Indians pitcher and Cy Young award winner Cliff Lee.

OK, so, watch the CWS on ESPN. Root for the Hogs. Good things will happen. Now, how can I convince Susan to let me go to Omaha for a few days?