Sunday, February 24, 2008
surely there's a big word for it
So, for those of you who are new to this blog as a result of seeing it in the Ses, welcome. You'll find some of the earliest posts of interest and quite a few posts about family (especially my dad). Except (possibly) for J.R., most of you will probably want to skip anything about hp calculators. If you want to know me better though, this blog is a great place to start.
Of course, sesquipedalian means given to the use of long words. This family does use long words. With a special ability to find 7- and 8-letter words--thanks to Scrabble. Yep, we're a Scrabble-nuts family. Maternal grandmother Hazel was top nut for a very long time. At family reunions we recount old family Scrabble games. I still recall games where I scored more than one 50-point bonus for using all 7 letters in my rack and still lost the game. It's not true that this family will do anything for each other. We will--except, that is, show mercy on the Scrabble board.
I would think it would be really cool to see our family word end up on a family Scrabble board. So next time you see PEDAL on the board, add your IAN to the end. It just may happen that Barbara has SESQUI ready to append to the front. Oh, and don't challenge PEDALIAN, you'll lose a turn.
Sorry for a blog post that was a foot and a half long. Welcome all Holts.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
esquire, you gotta be kiddin' me
If you are what you eat, I am (at least partially) a barbecue sandwich. It's enough that you've insulted me by suggesting that McRib is one of the best, don't trash Kansas City because we love pickles with our sandwiches. (We do.) Think about my handle, kcrazorback--I mean, I am a combination of pork and Kansas City. Esquire has obviously launched a personal attack against me (just kidding, of course).
My readers will remember one of my earliest posts which contained the family's McRib story. Hmmm? Perhaps, to at least one family member, McRib was one of the best.
Monday, February 18, 2008
presidents' day salute to you and me
With just 42 presidents today, though, we could spend an entire half-hour saluting each one of them and still get 3 hours of sleep. I don’t propose that, but I do propose that we extend Presidents’ Day honors to anyone who has served as president of any organization. You were president of the student government in 8th grade, salute! You are president of the local chess club, salute!
At one time, I was president of the Kansas-Western Missouri chapter of the American Statistical Association—top plains geek, sort of. I have also been president of my local chapter of the Future Farmers of America (my future did not actually end up in farming, except that one day I spent branding beef cattle, but I do support agriculture by eating). I suspect there have been other presidencies that I’ve forgotten. I could be president of the failing memory club.
All of us who have served as president should be honored today. Please comment and let me know of your presidencies, and, hey, salute to you!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
taz the tomato
valentine's day salute to my sweetheart
To my wife: You are beautiful and wonderful and altogether fabulous. You are funny and smart and capable of anything. You are a fantastic wife and a better mother. You are sweet and beautiful (redundant, I know). You are honest and genuine and even brutal when you need to be. You are incredibly passionate for (or against) almost anything. You are the only one I want to spend my time with--whether 20 minutes for lunch or 40 more years of growing older together. We have been together for 22 Valentine's days--19 of them as a married couple. I am so thankful for every one of them. I thank God for you.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
the mav, um, chick magnet #2
You've got it. The same Ford Maverick that was the setup for the punchline in another earlier post would become "the Mav," my 1976 Ford Maverick. In fact, I even bought the thing from my parents. They should've paid me to take the thing off their hands.
Not only was it a really cool car, but I got to share it with my twin brother while we were in high school. But due to my really cool paper route (that I kept until age 18), I probably got a lot more behind the wheel time.
Really, this kind of car is the best for teens. I mean the maximum speed was about 55 mph--not the speed limit (OK, it was the speed limit at the time), but the car's maximum speed. Above that, it would start to shake pretty good. I did get a speeding ticket one time for going 71 mph. I don't know how I did it.
It took its last breath on Sycamore St. in Fayetteville, AR in late 1989. Sold it for scrap. But that was not until after it saw me through high school, college, most of graduate school and marriage. I'm telling you, that car really was a chick magnet. My college sweetheart liked it.
It's funny how college sweetie and I have now been together for 21 years and married for almost 19, but that car has been gone for a very long time. I wonder if, perhaps, it was me that she liked and not the car. Nah...
Monday, February 11, 2008
Four-year old kcrazorback daughter and I attended a week ago. It was really cool. I danced with my daughter. I had fun with my daughter. She had fun with me. It was a very special evening (friends and family can see pictures and a video on my Facebook).
Contemporary Christian artist Steven Curtis Chapman has a really great song called Cinderella (hear it here). You see he knew something the prince never knew. I know the same thing. Midnight arrives too quickly. Cinderella will be gone. The song brings a tear to my eye. Actually, the truth to the song brings a tear to my eye. I know my little girl won't be little for very long.
I have to treasure every moment. I have to dance with her at every opportunity. I have to. I don't want to miss anything. Midnight is coming.
Friday, February 8, 2008
i was talking to you, daddy, not God
Of course, knowing that she was up to something, I said, "Honey, God is always watching you."
"I was talking to you, Daddy, not God."
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
my favorite Bible verse
My favorite verse is from prophecy. However I believe that the truth that it reveals about our God's personality can teach His people today. It's the second half of Daniel 11:32
Daniel 11:32 (New American Standard Bible)
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation
32"By smooth words he will turn to godlessness those who act wickedly toward the covenant, but the people who know their God will display strength and take action.
"...the people who know their God will display strength and take action." Our God wants a people who will boldly display their strength. He wants a people who will rise to act. Meekness is a virtue, but weakness is not. Action must be taken.
In Paul's letter to the Ephesians, Paul teaches us that we are 'created in Christ Jesus for good works' (Eph. 2:10). Note: Paul is not saying that we can be saved by works--in fact, he clears up that issue in the preceeding 2 verses. Read Ephesians 2:8-9 some time. There is nothing I can do to be saved outside the grace gift of God. But, knowing God, I know that He calls me to work and I desperately want to please Him.
So, if my God has created me for good works and prepared the works for me, I must rise to the challenge and do what He calls me to do.
Christian brothers and sisters, seek ministry, be strong, step out in faith and do what he calls you to, go on that mission trip, become a youth sponsor, send an encouraging note to your pastor, plan a retreat, lead a small group, commit to worship all-out, restore your personal bible study, teach a class, take the single Mom's kids for the day. Just do it--whatever it is.
In Daniel 11, the physical nation of Israel would soon face a threat from a foreign king. Their lesson was to prepare to display strength and rise to action. Should not we--the spiritual nation of Israel--learn the same lesson and display spiritual strength and rise to action also. It is how we will stand against the threat.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
best price on 39gs
I don't have graphing calculators, so can't speak to the 39gs, but I suspect this is a bargain.
Friday, February 1, 2008
kcrazorback presidential poll results
Three of you participated in the Democratic caucus with Hillary Clinton edging out Barack Obama 2 to 1.
You two Republicans are deadlocked with one vote each for Mike Huckabee and John McCain.
Voting for your college graduation speaker (I know--I was there) was not encouraged, but was allowed. Look for future polls.