Sunday, September 30, 2007

mcrib is back

Dad wasn't born until after the Great Depression. However, he did inherit his parents thriftiness. OK, not really, he was just cheap--which was a good thing because he didn't have much money.

This was especially manifested in his attitude toward long distance telephone usage. From the time I left home to go to college until he passed away 17 years later he almost never called me. I don't really think it was because he was cheap, but he sure despised the telephone. He wasn't about to call if he didn't have to.

But he did call one time. It was about a year or two after I got married. I really appreciated his call. With great anticipation and a little trepidation I looked forward to finding out what he'd actually say during this rarest of calls. Could it be that he wanted to have a personal conversation or offer some advice to the young married man; perhaps he'd have related some bad news, maybe even a loss in the family. What he said: "McRib is back."

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