Saturday, September 22, 2007

the moped, um, chick magnet

Yes, I know, in high school everybody thinks that he or she is the strange one, etc. But some of us really made it easy on everyone else to totally abuse us. It wasn't just that I loved trigonometry and played chess and was president of the parliamentary procedure team. No, I also had my wheels: a sweet ride, really. My moped wasn't just a mode of basic transportation, it was my business on wheels as I delivered newspapers for the local rag. Mine was a big hunk of metal, very heavy and difficult to pedal. It was a Czechoslovakian beauty, a Jawa. Along with my collection of dinosaur bones and my white guy afro, I'm pretty sure I must have been the most popular guy in school.

Stay tuned for later posts about my first car--equally cool.

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