Today's scripture reading took me through the middle of the book of Zechariah. If you don't know Zechariah, well it's filled with some pretty heavy Revelation-like stuff. Of course, John's Revelation reveals the Christ to us. So does Zechariah's revelation.
One passage that really stuck out to me was 6:12-13. "Here is the man called the Branch. He will branch out from where he is and build the Temple of the Lord. Then he will receive royal honor and will rule as king from his throne. He will also serve as priest from his throne, and there will be perfect harmony between his two roles." (NLT)
Immediately, I thought of Peter's Pentecost preaching. He hit 'em hard I tell ya. One of the first scriptures I ever memorized (from the KJV) was Acts 2:36. "God hath made this same Jesus whom ye crucified both Lord and Christ." If ye hath the ability to continue to stick with me, I'll get to my point--and not with 1611 English, either.
All of scripture points to Jesus. All of Heaven points to Jesus. All of nature points to Jesus. This "man" serves two roles. When we give our lives to Jesus, we make Him Lord of our lives where He reigns as king. When we acknowledge His death-busting been-resurrected-by-God power over sin, we allow Him to minister to us as priest and be our Messiah (our Christ). Who else could fill both roles? King and priest. Lord and Christ. Man and God. A priest walks around in the presence of His people--so does a Messiah--so does a Christ. A king reigns sovreignly--so does a Lord--so does a God.
If you want to be served by the King of Kings, make Jesus the spiritual source for your life. If you want to be ruled over by a compassionate and loving priest, submit to Jesus as king over your life.
This priest/king combination (check out Hebrews 5, Melchizedek) was appointed by God to both roles--in perfect harmony--for you.