Friday, July 31, 2009

still clunking--no cash

Mrs. kcrazorback drives a clunker. It would have been eligible for the $4,500 rebate. And it is not worth $4,500 on the market. But, alas, it's worth that much to us. We were seriously tempted, however, to trade that sucker in earlier this week.

We already had one economical non-clunker. But I like having one clunker, too. It's not "green" but it fits our lifestyle really well.

In the words of Lacie (a family friend and 5 year old), don't get all up in my business.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

update on 10s

I told you in this earlier post about the new models I picked up over the holidays. Here's a quick update on the 10s.

The 10s was a low price (I paid $7.99) basic scientific that I was very excited about. I'm not so excited any more. In spite of the fact that it's only a few months old, many of the LCD segments don't work. I'm ready to dismantle/destroy this one. Unfortunately, sometimes you don't even get what you pay for when what you pay is not very much.

Upon further review, I guess I should stick with the more expensive calculators. Say no to the 10s.

I have no complaints about the 35s I got at the same time.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

they make me feel young

As I've gotten older, I'm noticing it more. Example: my arm aches quite a bit of the time. In fact, I described it to my doctor as it felt like what I imagine it would feel like if I'd pitched a Major League Baseball game the day before.

Jamie Moyer did pitch a MLB game yesterday. In fact, he won. Something he's done ten times this season--and six of his last seven starts have been wins. Moyer has 92 wins since he turned 40. He is now 46.

Tim Wakefield is my age (well, 2 1/2 months younger--he's 42). He is 11-3 this year and was an American League All Star.

Way to go old guys.