Monday, March 31, 2008

the best wedding gift

OK, this family story requires a lot of setup. Mrs. kcrazorback and I got married in 1989. We were way too young for such a crazy action. We got married on her graduation day from college (black gown in morning, white gown at night). After graduation, she would be unemployed for a few months and I would drive a delivery truck that summer making next to minimum wage. During the following school year, I was on a graduate teaching assistantship making a smooth $7200 (yes, that was a year's wage for me). Needless to say, we didn't have a lot that first year of marriage.

Meanwhile twin kcrazorback brother was not really getting rich either as he worked in a poultry processing plant in SW Arkansas.

Bride's home church had a shower for us and gave us an unbelievable number of towels and stuff. My home church had a shower for us and gave us a bunch of towels and stuff. Friends and family from all over gave us towels and stuff. Being a young couple that didn't have much, we really needed and appreciated all that we were given.

However, the very best gift that we were given came from the most unlikely source, my brother. I love him for doing the best he thought he could. But I don't know if he realizes that he was also providing what we really needed. You see, 19 years ago my brother didn't have much in the way of resources. But he could shop at the company store. So, for our wedding gift, he got us big bags of frozen chicken, bags of fajita meat, several Cornish game hens, boxes of frozen chicken nuggets (dixie fritters for those in the know), etc. My brother, in spite of his own poverty, fed this newlywed couple for months at the very time we most needed it.

My dear brother, thank you for your wonderful gift. I probably never communicated to you how much I really appreciated it. I doubt that I've ever given you a gift so valuable. You are a good friend and a great brother.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

hp calculator newsletter

For those of you interested in hp calculators, they have recently started a very good newsletter, HP Solve. Click here for the most recent version. This issue focuses on financial calculators with an offer of a 20% discount on the 12c. I have really been impressed with both issues so far and hope that they keep it up going forward. If this is your calculator brand (I can't believe it wouldn't be), be sure to sign up for a subscription to Solve.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

He is risen

I serve a risen savior, He's in the world today. I know that He is living whatever men may say...He lives, He lives. Christ Jesus lives today...You ask me how I know He lives, He lives within my heart.
The old hymn is so true for me. I know He lives in my heart. My personal relationship with Him forces me to witness to a relationship with a living God.

But that's not all, I know that He lives because His resurrection satisfies all Old Testament prophecy. That's what "according to the Scriptures" means in "that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures" (I Corinthians 15:4)

I know that He lives because it satisfies what He said He would do.

I know that He lives because of the empty tomb.

All of scripture testifies to His living. Angels delivered the He is risen message. Thousands witnessed Him alive after the third day. There is no body in the tomb. Millions have given all for Him. My own heart sees Him.

The salvation I blogged about in Friday's post is possible because of the death. The Savior's power to save is illustrated by His conquering death.

He is risen.

Friday, March 21, 2008

have a good friday

Today is Good Friday. In the Christian tradition, this is the day we recognize that Jesus died on the cross. If you aren't Christian, please keep reading anyway.

In giving his law, God describes Himself as a jealous God. He desperately longs for a people who obey Him. But people are human. We disobey. On that amazing Friday afternoon 1,979 years ago (plus or minus 5), He was satisfied. On that day, all of us who believe were brought into a relationship with the very God who so desperately longed for us.

Jesus longed for His people (Luke 13:34) in the same way.

Whether we knew it or not, we needed His amazing sacrifice.

For all parties involved, the terrible thing that happened that Friday afternoon so long ago was the best thing that could have ever happened. Our God and our Lord should never have had to make the sacrifice that He did. But I am so thankful that He did. He died for me. He also died for you. If you believe that, you are saved. If you don't, please let me study this topic with you. I will never force you to believe, but I'd love to share my story with you.

Have a wonderful Good Friday.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

making peace with my hair color

Apology: I've been really busy the last two weeks (more so than at any other point in my career it seems) and I've been sick for a week. So, I've neglected the blogs. Check back here frequently this weekend. I am planning a couple of posts related to Good Friday and Easter and one really good post about hp calculators as well as officially launching the family blog this weekend. Whew!

Hi, I'm Greg. I have gray hair. My virtual world avatar has gray hair. I have admitted it, accepted it and even begun to appreciate it. If you haven't seen me recently, see my profile picture (that was one really talented photographer or lighting was tricky to make the hair look darker but the face bright) to the right.

I am one of the older people at the ad agency where I work. I hope my hair color speaks to my wisdom (heh heh heh).

Many other men my age have dark brown hair. Some are prematurely gray. But that's not my term for it. I have decided that I am immaturely gray.

Monday, March 10, 2008

hp calculator blog by hp

Well, it's about time. The good folks over at hp have started their own official blog about hp calculators written by Wing King Cheung. See Mr. Cheung's blog here.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

the youngest author

Ironically, 4-year old (almost 5) and pre-reader kcrazorback daughter has now authored her first children’s book. Sunday evening she sat down and first illustrated the story and then added the words—very smartly drawing on the right page facing you and writing on the left. Her very patient mother spelled the words verbally, but the content is entirely daughter’s. Mom’s role as book binder was also important, having ‘stitched’ the pages together.

It is really amazing what effect the creation had on daughter’s self esteem. This kid walked 10 feet above the ground all week. Wednesday is her preschool’s regular show and tell day. She asked if she could take her book on Monday, though. Mom and I, being extremely wise (read: old) immediately replied: absolutely.

Before school Monday morning, daughter was observed reading her own book while singing aloud a new tune with the lyrics “it’s all about me” repeated over and over again. You see, she is not just the author but the basis for the lead character in a fictional story about a girl named Olivia going to space in a rocket ship. The plot of the story takes an interesting twist with the presence of duck tracks. The duck tracks, not being completely explained by the remainder of the story, lead me to believe that there will be a sequel released soon.

As I delivered child with manuscript in hand to her classroom, she held it up for Ms. Bernadine to see. Ms. Bernadine, most perceptively welcomed the young authoress into the classroom and allowed/encouraged her to read her book to the entire class at the podium during class which she did with great success. (Thank you so much, Bernadine, for recognizing what is really important during the school day.)

I’ll try to represent the book here some other time. I’ll let you know about a publication date, etc. Meanwhile, perhaps the publisher can use this author picture on the dust jacket.

Monday, March 3, 2008

welcome home, don gibbs

Most Christians just don't get it. It's not that we're less saved than other Christians. We just don't fully comprehend the weight of the sacrifice that our God made for us.

Don Gibbs got it. He didn't just acknowledge faith in God. He knew his God. He knew and taught scripture so very well--especially Isaiah. He didn't just know the prophecy of the Messiah and Savior. He knew Him as his personal Messiah and Savior.

With all the amazing knowledge he had, what really amazes me is the level of his humility. Don was perhaps one of the most humble men I've ever known.

Don, thank you for your example. Thank you for your teaching. Thank you for showing us how to be humble. We will miss you.