Sunday, January 20, 2008

he had a dream

It's going to be an amazing election year. I can't stand election years. But, this one will be special.

Never before has an African American had a real shot at being elected president of the United States of America. Neither has a woman had a real shot at it either. This year a black candidate and a female candidate are legitimately capable of winning this whole thing. It's about time.

What's really cool is that either one of these folks could win (or lose) this whole thing based strictly on their merit--not on their skin color or gender. OK, yeah, I know it's more complicated than that. However, this year, perhaps, the majority become more moral than that. Perhaps this is the year that we can turn the corner on King's dream. Whether Obama wins or loses, I hope we can look back on it having forgotten the role that race played. Whether Clinton wins or loses, I hope gender has nothing to do with it.

Both Clinton and Obama are reaping the benefit of King's vision and dream. We all are. We must continue to make progress. We must judge others by their conduct and their character and not the color of their skin. It must be our dream--not just Dr. King's.

See this earlier post in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Please vote in my poll to the right.


TwinLawyerMommy said...

Just curious, did you get today (Monday) off?

kcrazorback said...

I did. It was the first time in many years, though.