Tuesday, August 19, 2008

first day k pictures

OK, so a good night's sleep makes the pictures upload the very first time. Well, it would've been a good night's sleep if kcrazorback daughter had not wakened him at 1:24 AM to show him what the tooth fairy brought. Here, 15 minutes before first bell, daughter is excited about first day:

School is about 1/2 mile uphill from home so we walked on first day. There is one street to cross without a crossing guard so the kids hold bright yellowish green flags:

After transferring the backpack to the student, Dad got to walk her up the school's front walk:

Once inside, the reification of full-day kindergarten brought a sad, pensive look to the face of the previously excited first day-er.

Five minutes later, however, she would be sitting front and center while teacher covered calendar issues for the day. All in all she had a great day and was actually observed hugging teachers before going home at the end of the day.

1 comment:

TwinLawyerMommy said...

What sweet pictures. Glad to see you're doing better at walking kids to school. ;) Love you!