Sunday, August 17, 2008

first day of kindergarten

Those of you that know kcrazorback daughter well know that tomorrow (less than 12 hours from now) is her first day of kindergarten. I am certain the waterworks will flow after her mother and I drop her off at 8:10 in the morning. Her mother may even cry as well. Tomorrow I plan to post a first day picture and tell you more about her school, etc. in time.

There's something special about starting formal education. If she's like either parent, she'll be getting out of school in about 19 years. I'll be in my 60's when that happens so I hope I'll be able to remember these first five years. So, upon this important commencement, let me honor her first five years with this blog post.

Actually, you're five years old, but God made you almost exactly six years ago. During those almost-9 months before birthday, you were the life of the party. You danced if there was music, twirled if Mom had cake, loved the voices of friends and family and had a special bond with your mother. Even before you were born we got little peeks into your personality which is much like hers.

You were injured at birth during a traumatic delivery and fought for your life for about 30 minutes. You won that fight and have lived life more passionately since then than anyone I've ever known.

I remember so many things about you when you were a baby. You were such a good sleeper. You were a daddy's girl from the start. Your smile was contagious. You made a guttural click when I walked in the room and to say 'goodbye' and 'I love you.' When you could eat real food, you did. And you still eat with a passion. What's funny about that is you're still skinny.

You stole our hearts at the very beginning, but you kept them with your bouncy-seat bouncing, dancing, singing, 'running and reading,' Noggin, praying, talking (and talking and talking and talking), gymnastics, piano, ice skating and many other activities. There are so many other reasons as well: baseball, cotton candy--wait, those are the same activity. And, the big one, of course, swimming. You are the best swimmer for your age. We have a video of you in the swimming pool saying you're training for the Olympics (shot about an hour ago)--I plan on showing that video 16 years from now when you get your Olympic medal.

Of course, by then you'll still be in school. So, enjoy the next 11 hours because a super huge adventure is just about to begin. (I'm glad you're still a good sleeper.)

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