Friday, September 12, 2008

children are amazing

At Barkley's annual Creativity Symposium last Friday, our CEO Brian Brooker talked to us about children. In our awful state of grownuppiness, we forget to be creative like children--to ask questions like children--to pick our noses--etc. Anyway, it was an inspiring talk that ended with 300 employees going out to the parking lot for recess--seriously, playground balls, ultimate frisbee, jumpropes, dodgeball, girls playing Miss Mary Mack...

I sometimes think that God gives us these little super-creative humans just to amaze us and remind us what is possible. My kid is ultra-creative. She doesn't let not yet knowing how to read prevent her from writing. She doesn't let potential messes stop her from creating art. In a mixed media masterpiece, she colored on the TV screen (she got in trouble for that one--parents weren't seeing through child eyes). On and on the list goes.

Her wise and beautiful mother gave her a digital camera and creative freedom on a recent walk at the park. She documented the photographer's trip on this blog post. The deer that ran by were too fast for the young photographer to shoot, however she did capture amazing images that we were too grownup to see. She took a picture of a leaf. She took a picture of a slug. She took a picture of her dad from an angle no one should be subjected to. She got down in the cattails at a park pond and took a picture through them of a fountain. She took lots of great pictures. Thankfully, she is a child.

The Greatest Creator created all of this beauty. Thankfully, He also created children (specifically this photographer) and, as an amazing gift, gave us creativity as well.

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