Friday, December 12, 2008

Christ in Christmas

Count me as one of those folks who doesn't like "Seasons Greetings" or "Happy Holidays." Wal-mart ("Your One-Stop Christmas Shop"), Kohl's ("The Biggest Christmas Sale"), Target and other retailers are brave enough to include "Christ" in their marketing. Good for 'em. I want to be greeted with "Merry Christmas."

The word Christmas means Christ's festival. How can it not include Him? Ah, but that's where the really sad part comes in. You see, so many of us (Christians) obey the festival but not the Christ. We celebrate the birth but not the born. We give our money and our time to finding that perfect gift for each other without ever remembering that perfect gift which was given to us. We give the best tech gifts and toy gifts and food gifts and never think about giving the gift of eternal life by sharing the one gift that matters.

My favorite Christmas quote:
How many observe Christ’s Birthday! How few, his precepts! Oh! ‘tis easier to keep holidays than commandments
Ben Franklin—Poor Richard’s Alamanac

This Christmas, yes, shop at Christmas-friendly establishments. Greet cashiers and strangers with "Merry Christmas." Tell others about Christ. Give the gift that you can not afford.

Do all that and I'll let you get away with "Seasons Greetings."

Happy Holidays

1 comment:

TwinLawyerMommy said...

One of the High School bands in the Parker Christmas Carriage Parade (yes, that was its name) played "Joy to the World." I was quite surprised!