Wednesday, May 21, 2008

captivated on captiva

Mrs. kcrazorback and I just returned from a long weekend in Florida--a long kid-free weekend in Florida, that is. Kid-free weekends are the best kind. Don't get me wrong: I love my kid.

But I love my wife, too. In fact, I don't get enough time with her. In those rare moments that we have that aren't dominated by the concerns of this world--work, kid, home, cars, paying for gasoline, whatever--those old college days come flying back.

We were college sweethearts, you see. We've now been married for 19 years. But, every time I look at that girl I see my college sweetheart--just as she looked in 1986. One of my strongest memories is what her perfume smelled like in college. I hear her voice and summer of 1988 late night phone calls come to mind. Her every touch reminds me of two decades ago.

I still love: walking with her, talking with her, eating out together, traveling with her, making plans with her, laughing together. I can't get enough of her. I never will.

I'm so thankful for last weekend on Captiva Island. Florida is wonderful.

Thanks to my inlaws for watching our daughter for the weekend. I enjoyed watching theirs.


TwinLawyerMommy said...

Oooh! I'll never forget when you brought her home for the first time. I was so nervous! I was mortified because I was barefoot. After you left, she sent me a birthday card for my tenth birthday. She was the first to tell me I was a decade old. I thought she was way cool. I still do, too. :)

gamma raise said...

How romantic.