Tuesday, June 10, 2008

the incredible heaviness of being

OK, I've been a member of a health club for a week and a half. With membership comes two personal trainer sessions.

The first one, last week, basically went down like this: the trainer did a fitness assessment involving a scale (ugh), a tape measure (double ugh) and a long questionnaire about what, when and how I eat. I am one messed up puppy. The good news, though, is it doesn't matter where you start, but where you end up. The first session ended with 10 minutes of core muscle exercises. I didn't know I had ab muscles. Maybe I don't. It was almost enough to make me decide not to return.

I did go back. The second session also ended with 10 minutes of ab training. But instead of sitting at a desk for 40 minutes, I lifted weights. My muscles did not appreciate this at all. They haven't voluntarily lifted anything in a while. It felt good. I think I'm on the road to making it for the first couple of months.

During the first week, my eating was quite good and I exercised moderately. As I add in core and resistance training (oooh, sound like I know what I'm talking about), I hope you'll see more improvement and less kcrazorback, weigh less. The PT will bring me in for a followup assessment in one month--the whole scale & tape routine. I'll let you know how it goes.


TwinLawyerMommy said...

Good luck to you. How's the Dorito addiction? I feel your pain. We bought bicycles, and I was panting pretty hard after just a few minutes! (Of course, I was also pulling 50 pounds of twins and 20 pounds of bike trailer, too.)

kcrazorback said...

Sadly, Doritos are an ancient memory (well there was that Grab Bag of ranch flavor Doritos on Monday). Wow, way to bike.