Wednesday, September 26, 2007

good idea, lukasiewicz

Once you get hooked on Reverse Polish Notation (RPN), there's no going back. Postfix notation is a little confusing for the first few minutes, but then it becomes like second nature very quickly. OK, so I don't say to my wife "I you love," but I really want to.

If you use hp calculators, you probably are already familiar with RPN. If you don't or aren't I encourage you to check out RPN. I use handheld RPN calculators. Even my calculator accessory on my computer is RPN. A couple of introductions to RPN follow: hp's introduction and the hpmuseum introduction (more about hpmuseum in a later post) are good places to start. But the best thing to do is just try it.

Do you use RPN? exclusively? Do you switch between algebraic notation and RPN?

For reading my post, I you thank.

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