Tuesday, December 25, 2007

santa claus and the tooth fairy

Four-year old kcrazorback daughter lost her first tooth on Christmas Eve. This momentous event would require midnight visits from multiple gift-bearers on the same night.

A proper perspective was maintained when daughter came bounding in to parents' bedroom on Christmas morning and asked "Did Santa come?"

Mom replied, "I think so, but did the tooth fairy come?"

Then daughter remembered the missing tooth left out for the fairy. She ran back to her room and returned a minute later with moist eyes, saying "all the tooth fairy left me was this cwedit cawd," which was in her hand. You see, the tooth fairy had brought her a gift card for her favorite restaurant.

Oh yeah, Santa also brought the usual haul of princess stuff, games and books.

I'm sure glad the big night is over. I hope to get some sleep tonight.

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