Monday, December 3, 2007

why you may not be suited for youth ministry

Some observations:

10. You think a paintball marker is for preschoolers to draw on paper with.
9. You think an injury involving a coke bottle, golf ball and baseball bat is not run of the mill.
8. You can’t actually recall being a teenager.
7. Some vague notion of sleeping at the next weekend retreat still lingers in your mind.
6. You’re not prepared for what follows “let me show you what I got pierced.”
5. You once completed your education—in anything.
4. The words “girls-only lock-in” terrify you and you’re a woman.
3. You are not a pyromaniac.
2. You occasionally wear something other than jeans and a t-shirt.
1. You’re convinced that youth ministry is the fast track for that lucrative career you’ve always dreamed of.

Yep, youth ministry might not be for you. But I tell you this. The first time you pull a 15-year old out of the water after he has made Jesus Lord of his life, you will cry.

1 comment:

gamma raise said...

I just thought I wanted to be the writer. You ARE the writer in the family.