Thursday, March 20, 2008

making peace with my hair color

Apology: I've been really busy the last two weeks (more so than at any other point in my career it seems) and I've been sick for a week. So, I've neglected the blogs. Check back here frequently this weekend. I am planning a couple of posts related to Good Friday and Easter and one really good post about hp calculators as well as officially launching the family blog this weekend. Whew!

Hi, I'm Greg. I have gray hair. My virtual world avatar has gray hair. I have admitted it, accepted it and even begun to appreciate it. If you haven't seen me recently, see my profile picture (that was one really talented photographer or lighting was tricky to make the hair look darker but the face bright) to the right.

I am one of the older people at the ad agency where I work. I hope my hair color speaks to my wisdom (heh heh heh).

Many other men my age have dark brown hair. Some are prematurely gray. But that's not my term for it. I have decided that I am immaturely gray.


TwinLawyerMommy said...

I'm starting to get quite a few grays myself, but I have an excellent colorist. :) Hope yours is that pretty silver color that Dad had.

gamma raise said...

I've been wondering if you were alright. Sorry I found out about your being sick via da blog.