I serve a risen savior, He's in the world today. I know that He is living whatever men may say...He lives, He lives. Christ Jesus lives today...You ask me how I know He lives, He lives within my heart.The old hymn is so true for me. I know He lives in my heart. My personal relationship with Him forces me to witness to a relationship with a living God.
But that's not all, I know that He lives because His resurrection satisfies all Old Testament prophecy. That's what "according to the Scriptures" means in "that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures" (I Corinthians 15:4)
I know that He lives because it satisfies what He said He would do.
I know that He lives because of the empty tomb.
All of scripture testifies to His living. Angels delivered the He is risen message. Thousands witnessed Him alive after the third day. There is no body in the tomb. Millions have given all for Him. My own heart sees Him.
The salvation I blogged about in Friday's post is possible because of the death. The Savior's power to save is illustrated by His conquering death.
He is risen.
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