Tuesday, March 17, 2009

happy st. patrick's day

Top o' the mornin' to ya. HAPPY ST. PATTY'S!

I'll take a short break from the wedding stories to wish you a happy St. Patrick's day.

To my siblings and their families: did you know that we are Irish? We really are. At least I think we are. I know that my brother and I both remember "Granny Fanny" (I remember her quite fondly) who died when we were about four years old. She was our great-grandmother--our paternal grandmother's mother. She was born Rebecca Frances McClennahan, daughter of Bevely Harrison McClennahan who was the son of Beverly McClennahan.

I believe that McClennahan is more commonly spelled McClenahan and is the Irish derivative of the Scottish McClanahan. The extra n may have been an Americanization.

Clearly, I know little about genealogy except that I'm Irish. I think I'll head to the pub for a Guinness. Oh, it's almost 10:00 AM. I'm late.

1 comment:

gamma raise said...

Wonder what the Woffords, Holts, and Ayers think about a Tollefson claiming such Irish roots.