Sunday, October 28, 2007

halloween means popcorn balls

I grew up in a special time ('70s) in a special place (small town SW Ark) where Halloween meant trick-or-treating until what seemed like the wee hours of the morning (it was probably 8:45 pm). In addition to the regular haul of candy, we kids got all kinds of goodies including coins, fruit, small toys (think party favors) and--best of all--popcorn balls.

I loved popcorn balls. A good trick-or-treating would net five or six popcorn balls. I loved 'em.

It's really a shame now that for safety's sake we have to protect our children from homemade popcorn balls. Of course, that is right. But, it is a loss.

I enjoyed helping Mom make popcorn balls to give out on Halloween. Of course, boiling hot Karo could remove the skin from your hand, but it was a small price to pay for (imho) the best Halloween treat of all.

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