Monday, October 15, 2007

truckboy is my friend

OK, this blog is goofy. But, aren't they all. I mean, who likes hp calculators and fabulous food combinations. So mine is my niche.

My buddy Truckboy has his niche as well. He's into guitars, cameras and fast cars. I don't like guitars. I don't like cameras. I don't like fast cars. I do like Truckboy. I even like Mrs. Truckboy. Although, she probably doesn't like being called that.

You may be interested in one of those topics, though. Check out Truckboy's fendercons blog. My favorite quote from his blog is:
I would speculate that this volume level sucks down the filter-caps right after the transient and then you are riding the DC fresh out of the GZ34.
I have no idea what that sentence is about, but it is really cool, Truckboy.

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