Tuesday, February 10, 2009

life journal

Sometimes, the same old routine suprises you and becomes new and exciting all over again.

I've read through the Bible many times over the years. I've tried several plans or systems to read through the whole thing in a year--even accomplishing the feat once or twice.

I've been prompted to journal before as well. But, until now I had successfully resisted the call.

This year, our church is reading through scripture in a year and journaling scripture using the Life Journal. I never expected it to change me, but it has.

The Bible reading plan is good but really not all that different than others. However, the journal is great. It requires writing out scripture every day. I love it. I read the day's chapters, then write a verse or two and my observation about that scripture, how it applies to my life and a prayer. It has become an enjoyable part of my day that I very much look forward to. It's a spiritual discipline that I didn't anticipate would be so easy.

If you've never tried journaling scripture, give it a try. It might suprise you.

1 comment:

gamma raise said...

Makes me remember when teaching the teenage girls, I assigned a chapter per week per girl to summarize in a sentence or two. The following Sunday we would read all the summaries and add them to our own chapters. I don't know about the girls, but I loved it.